On Monday, November 29, 2021, the Department of Tourism and Archeology at An-Najah National University in partnership with the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, organized the first Palestinian exhibition of old coins at Zafer Al-Masri Auditoriums, the Old Campus. The exhibition aimed to showcase the history of old coins Palestine has used over the ages.

The exhibition was attended by Dr. Abdel Naser Zaid, President of the University, His Excellency Salah Twafsha, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, An-Najah's vice presidents, assistants, faculty deans, heads of departments, and a number of the University's academic and administrative staff and students and other representatives from different institutions.


In the opening speech, Dr. Zaid welcomed the attendees and expressed pride in the organizers of the exhibition especially the students of the Department of Tourism and Archeology at the University. He also mentioned that such exhibitions establish relations among Palestinians and strengthen an inclusive national identity and affiliation with the Palestinian homeland. Dr. Zaid also noted that the University aims to build stronger education systems and promote innovation in Palestine. He also talked about the University's academic achievements and international rankings including the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 as the University was the only Palestinian university to reign in this ranking among the top 500 world universities.

His Excellency Twafsha commended the leading role of An-Najah in promoting Palestinian cultural heritage, and strengthening a sense of Palestinian shared identity amidst the everyday reality of division, referring to the strong relation the Ministry has with the University.

The exhibition included six booths through which 44 rare and historically significant coins of different ages were displayed. The visitors were introduced during the event through several activities to the history and sources of these old coins and the process of cleaning ancient coins without damaging them.

عدد القراءات: 90